K17 Industrial Hydrant

The Kennedy Valve 6” Main Valve K17 Hydrant is designed effectively for industrial applications. The K17 incorporates an adjustable main valve. This significant design advantage allows the K17 to have a higher CV rate than 5-1/4” hydrants. The pressure loss due to friction shall be less than 2.0 PSI at 1000 gpm through a 4-1/2” pumper nozzle. The number and size of nozzles, nozzle valves, base, or monitor connection to be per order or conform to the existing plant details previously established.
- Low head loss, below 2 PSI at 1000 GPM
- Full 6” diameter adjustable main valve
- Security Locking wrench system
- Only 2 bolts per hydrant. No bolts below ground line.
- Meets or exceeds all applicable parts of AWWA C502, UL 246, & FM 1510
- Integral Upper half < 50lbs., one-man repair
- Low torque to open collar roller bearing
- Straight Shoe option
- Adjustable stop at the top.
- 350 PSI. Rated Pressure (2415 kPA) 700 PSI. Test Pressure (4830 kPA)
- Patent Pending* Anti Cavitation Baffle
- Spring Pack & Roller Bearing allow easy operation.